Economy in Iran

Iran has some sources but the most important source is oil and gas. Iran is a second country after Russia for supplying gas. The result is that gas and oil is very cheap in Iran. I was shocked when I undestood the price of gas and oil in Canada. However, I wish that my country doesn't have any oil. Many people in the world think that people in Iran are rich but the reserve is true. Recent goverments such as Islamic Republic, Pahlavi and ghajar steel a lot of people's money. Some people in my country are very rich, some of them are in the milddle and some of them are very poor. Iran is a young country, many educated young people don't have any job for example we have a lot of physicians who cannot find any job. On the other hand, in my opinion or maybe in most people's opinions in Iran, foreign countries such as the United State and the United Kingdome always keep Iran in low level. I think that one of the reasons that U.S want to attack in Iran which I hope not is Iran's oil. I know that another reason is about nuclear. For these reason I wish that Iran doesn't have any oil. Have you ever thought Why U.S military still stays in Iraq after Sadam' goverment fell?
Banking systeam is very different in Iran. Credit card is not common in Iran. If you want to travel in this country; you should have money.
Anyhow, this is my opininon about economy in Iran. What do you think? I will be happy if you put any comment and share your opinion.
I think other countries try to keep Iran down because of fear. Iran could be a very powerful country and there is great fear that they could misuse their power. (I should also say that I think this is the way men think. If women were running all the governments, we'd have a lot more peace in the world!)
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