
Today, I read an article about how the way that people sneeze can show their personality. The scientists who has been researching about body language believe that people are divied into four groups according to the way that they sneeze:
1-Kind and nice people
2-Trustful people
3-Active people
4-Eager people
People who sneeze once are kind persons and they are interested to protect other people.
People who sneeze loudly are active people; they are decisive and good leaders.
People who use tissue when they are sneezing are trustful, careful, honest, and logical persons.
The last group are people who sneeze several times louldy. These group are eager, and outgoing people. Furthermore, they can influence on others.
The other things that scientists almost assure is the way that people sneeze is hereditary.
This article may be true, but I think this articale is not logical. According to this article, all people in the world have positive characteristics and there are no people with negative aspects. I found that this article is more fun than be a serious issue. By the way, which group do you think that you are?