Brave New World

I am trying to find a topic and my brain doesn't work. Emm, what sould I write about? Aha, I finally find one. I am going to write about the book that I read for outside reading project. The name of the book is Brave New World and It is about future which people are born and live by scientific methods. People are always happy in this world and they don't feel emotions. Having father and mother is a very strange and embaracing thing in this society. Then John comes form the savage reservation to the new world and he brings with him love, hate, anger, fear. He can't accept the society rules; ultimately, he hung himself. It is a scary world for me. I think that human can't enjoy their lives without passion and family relationships. Sad and happy aspects of life are important for me and interest me to life.
It's funny how that book is so old but still so very true. We make a big mistake if we think the government can give us what we need. that's not the way we were created. We were created to need to love and comfort of our families.
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