
I don't why most people think Iranian new year is Ramadan. Maby people think Iran is a Muslem country; therefore, Iranian new year is Ramadan. Ramadan is an important day for Persians, but Norooz is our new year.
In harmony with the rebirth of nature, the Iranina New Year Celebration always begins on the first day of spring. Norooz ceremonies are symbolic representations of two ancient concepts-the End and the Rebirth; or Good and Evil. Iranian clean and rearrange their homes. They buy new clothes and bake pastries. Persians decorate their house with a ceremonial table called Sofreh-e Haft Seen( cloth of seven dishes), name of each dish beginning with the Persian letter Sinn. You can see this table in the picture.
Before Norooz, on the eve of the last Wednesday of the year, literally the eve of Red Wednesday or the eve of celebration, bonfires are lit in public places with the help of fire and light, it is hoped for enlightenment and happiness throughout the coming year. People leap over the flames, shouting: Give me your beautiful red color and take back my sickly pallor.
This is a brief interpretation of Iranian New Year. Persians have a lot of cermonies for new year. Now, I am waiting for Norooz. Norooz is on March 21 that is less than one month, but I can't feel new year in Canada. One of the reasons is the weather. It is still Winter.